Pests and pest control systems are associated with different types of myths. We need to debunk these myths, and therefore, in this article, we will delve into some of the important myths and try to break those myths.
If you want to know in detail, you can stay with us in this article, which will help you to understand what we must do when we find any sign and symptom of infestation. However, if you want to know about it in detail, then you can consult an expert pest control company such as, where you can clear all your doubts.
What are Common Myths About Pests and Pest Control?
While dealing with the pests, we must know about these myths so that we can take all the required actions without any hesitation. So, let’s understand some of the common myths about pests and pest control.
Pests Only Infect Dirty Spaces
We have been taught since childhood that we have to keep our surroundings clean; otherwise, we will attract pests. Pests are indeed attracted to dirty places, but it is not true that it is the only reason for their infestation. This does not mean that we should not keep our surroundings clean; we must maintain cleanliness. However, along with that we must also ensure that we are focusing on other factors that attract pests.
Pests look for food, water and shelter, and if they find these three things in your residence, then they will find their way into your house. So, for this, you need to declutter your house, clean the kitchen areas, keep your belongings safe while travelling to avoid bed bugs and seal the structural cracks on the walls, loose window frames and unsealed doors. If we solve these factors, then you can ensure that you are restricting all the ways to avoid pests in your house.
Cheese is the Best Allurement for Mice
It is commonly said that cheese is the best allurement for mice and we have seen such iconic images every time. However, the fact is that mice are not only attracted to cheese but any food which is high in sugar or carbohydrate. So, other food products such as peanut butter, sugary cereals, chocolates and other such products can lure mice. Therefore, you need to keep these things safe, and there should not be any reminiscence to show which is the best way to keep the mice away from your house.
Bed Bugs Only Reside on Beds
This is also one of the common myths about bed bugs. You need to understand that by the name of bed bugs, you cannot say that they only stay in the beds. If this misconception persists, then it can hinder effective pest management, and therefore, you must get away with this idea. Bed bugs reside in beds, mattresses, bed frames and headboards, but they are not limited to these areas. They can find their places in different locations, such as furniture seams, behind wallpapers, cracks in walls, and other electrical outlets. It can also be found in well-maintained houses, and therefore, you must take care of it as soon as possible.
DIY Pest Control is as Effective as Professional Pest Control
This DIY culture is very prominent mainly due to online videos. It is bringing new creative ideas to tackle the pests, however, it should not be compared with professional pest control. When we discuss professional pest control, then it is conducted under the highest supervision and thus, it has no comparison with the DIY techniques. You can ignore the pests on a temporary basis with the DIYs. Still, when you go for professional pest control, then it will have a long term impact on your health and therefore, professional pest control is more effective than DIYs.
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